Danielle Laurencin
Institut Charles Gerhardt
Pôle Chimie Balard Recherche
1919, route de Mende
34293 MONTPELLIER cedex 5



  •  ” From isotopic labeling to high-resolution NMR analyses of biomaterials: why focus on oxygen?

J. Spackova, I. Goldberga, T.-X. Métro, D. Laurencin,* et al, Chemistry for the Future Conference, Pisa (Italy), July 2024 (invited)

  •  “ New roadmaps for 17O NMR

J. Spackova, I. Goldberga, N. Fabrègue, C. Leroy, G. Félix, T.-X. Métro, D. Laurencin,* Journées Grand Sud Ouest de la SCF, Bordeaux (France), February 2024 (invited)

  •  “ 17O labeling of bone components and their ssNMR analysis”

R. Yadav,* T.-X. Métro, D. Laurencin, Journées RMN GBP-GS, Montpellier (France), January 2024

  •  “ 17O-labeling and high-resolution NMR of Ca-phosphates, carbonates & oxalates

S. Mittelette, A. Nelson, R. Yadav, C. Erre, N. Fabregue, I. Goldberga, C. Gervais, C. Bonhomme, C. Leroy, P. Gaveau, T.-X. Métro, I. Hung, Z. Gan, A. Venkatesh, T. Franks, D. Laurencin,* Alpine conference on ssNMR, Chamonix (France), September 2023 (round-table talk).

  •  “ Isotopic labeling: a valuable approach for studying reaction mechanisms in ball−milling

T. X. Métro, C.−H. Chen, I. Goldberga, C. Leroy, D. Laurencin,* Solid state sciences and research (SCIRES), Zagreb (Croatia), June 2023 (invited).

  •  “ Oxygen-17 isotopic labeling using ball-milling

D. Laurencin,* 27th ACS-GC&E conference, (online participation), June 2023 (invited)

  •  “ Towards greener organic chemistry with the mechanical force

T.-X. Métro,* 27th ACS-GC&E conference, (online participation), June 2023 (invited)

  •  “ Looking Into Reaction Mechanisms in Ball Milling Using 17O NMR…and More

D. Laurencin,* CMCC Mechanochemistry Discussions Seminar Series, (online), June 2023

  •  “ Calcium−43 and Oxygen−17 solid state NMR studies of biomaterials: From isotopic labeling to ultra−high field NMR analyses and DNP

A. Nelson, I. Goldberga, T.−X. Métro, C. Bonhomme, C. Gervais, Z. Gan, I. Hung, J. Trébosc, M. E. Smith, D. Iuga, T. Franks, D. Lee, P. Subhradip, S. Hediger, G. De Paëpe, M. J. Duer, D. Laurencin,* ENC NMR meeting, Pacific Grove (USA), April 2023. (Poster)

  •  “ 17O NMR as a valuable tool for studying inorganic and hybrid materials: recent advances made possible thanks to mechanochemical isotopic labeling

D. Laurencin, Journée « avancées récentes en RMN », Paris (France), January 2023.

  •   “ 17O labeling of citric acid and citrates: A valuable approach for high resolution NMR studies of cocrystals and nanomaterial surfaces

S. Mittelette, Journées RMN du Grand Bassin Parisien, Paris (France), January 2023.

  •   “ Fatty acids, amino acids, nanoparticles, MOFs & more… from 17O labeling using mechanochemistry to high resolution NMR analyses

D. Laurencin, CulturChem seminar, Paris (France), December 2022.

  •   “ Unprecedented insight into the structure of fatty-acid based (nano)materials enabled by mechanochemical 17O-labeling scheme

T.-X. Métro, Journées de Chimie Organique, Palaiseau (France), November 2022.

  •   “ Ca-phosphate and Ca-oxalate biomaterials: NMR studies of calcium and oxygen local environments at high & ultra-high magnetic fields

D. Laurencin, PANACEA meeting, Lyon (France), October 2022.

  •   “ Operando acoustic analysis : A new real-time analysis of mechanochemical reactions

C. Leroy, Journées Axelera, Solaize (France), September 2022.

  •   “ 17O-isotopic labeling using mechanochemistry: examples of applications to inorganic and hybrid materials

D. Laurencin, Seminar at the department of chemistry, Cambridge (UK), September 2022.

  •   “Oxygen-17 solid state NMR as a valuable tool for deciphering reaction mechanisms in mechanochemistry: the case study on the enrichment of hydrated Ca-pyrophosphate biomineralsisotopic labeling using mechanochemistry: examples of applications to inorganic and hybrid materials ”

D. Laurencin, Faraday Discussions: Mechanochemistry: Fundamentals, applications and future, Cambridge (UK), September 2022 (oral presentation & discussion).

  •   “  Be all ears to the beads’ tempo: Development of a new operando technique to understand what is happening during ball-milling reactions

S. Mittelette, Faraday Discussions: Mechanochemistry: Fundamentals, applications and future, Cambridge (UK), September 2022, poster/flash presentation.

  •   “  Structural insights into calcium oxalate minerals: selective mechanochemical isotopic enrichment and 17O/13C high-resolution ssNMR analyses

I. Goldberga, Alpine conference on Magnetic Resonance in Solids, Chamonix (France), September 2022, (round-table talk).

  •   “  When operando Raman mechanochemistry meets NMR crystallography: using heteronuclear ssNMR to probe mechanochemically formed Zn-terephthalate networks

C. Leroy, Alpine conference on Magnetic Resonance in Solids, Chamonix (France), September 2022 (round-table talk).

  •   “  From a few Hz to several tens of MHz: charting new pathways for high-resolution 17O NMR of biomlecules

D. Laurencin, Alpine conference on Magnetic Resonance in Solids, Chamonix (France), September 2022 (oral presentation).

  •  “  When operando Raman mechanochemistry meets NMR crystallography: using heteronuclear ssNMR to probe mechanochemically formed Zn-terephthalate networks

C. Leroy, Réunion RMN Grand Bassin Parisien, Rennes (France), Juin 2022.

  •   “  Structural insights into calcium oxalates minerals: selective mechanochemical isotopic enrichment and 17O/13C high-resolution ssNMR analyses

I. Goldberga, Réunion RMN Grand Bassin Parisien, Rennes (France), Juin 2022.

  •   “  From a few Hz to tens of MHz… charting new pathways towards high-resolution 17O NMR

D. Laurencin, Seminar at the MagLab, Tallahassee (USA), Mai 2022.

  •  “ Exploring Zinc terephthalate complexes through multinuclear ssNMR and In situ reaction monitoring by Raman spectroscopy

C. Leroy, Webinaire, Journée de la Division Chimie du Solide de la SCF, November 2021.

  •  “ Fatty acids, nanoparticles, MOFs and more… from 17O isotopic labeling using mechanochemistry to high resolution NMR analyses

D. Laurencin, Journée Scientifique du Labex CHARMMMAT, Gif-sur-Yvette (France), November 2021.

  •  “ Exploring Zinc terephthalate complexes through multinuclear ssNMR and In situ reaction monitoring by Raman spectroscopy

C.Leroy, IUCr meeting, August 2021, « virtual poster ».

  •  “ Oxygen-17 Isotopic Enrichment of Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Phase

I. Goldberga, ISMAR-APNMR meeting, August 2021, « virtual poster ».

  •  “ Fatty acids & more : from 17O labeling to high resolution NMR analyses

D. Laurencin, Webinaire, « Konstantin Ivanov intercontinental seminar », June 2021.

  •  “ L’oxygène… un élément dont on a encore beaucoup à apprendre.

D. Laurencin, Webinaire, « Les jeudis de la Chimie du solide » May 2021.

  •  “Cost-efficient and user-friendly 17O/18O labeling of fatty acids using mechanochemistry.

J. Špačková, ACS Spring meeting, April 2021.

  •  “Oxygen‐17 isotopic enrichment of calcium oxalate monohydrate phase.

I. Goldberga, ACS Spring meeting, April 2021.

  •  “ 17O isotopic labeling of silica and titania using mechanochemistry: an investigation of enrichment mechanisms

C.-H. Chen, ACS Spring meeting, April 2021.

  •  “ Unraveling the structure and reactivity of interfacial oxygen sites thanks to oxygen‐17 mechanochemical labeling and high resolution NMR

D. Laurencin, ACS Spring meeting, April 2021.

  •  “ Structural Insights into Whewellite from 17O NMR

I. Goldberga, ENC meeting, March 2021, « virtual poster ».

  •  “ Investigating the 17O Mechanochemical-Enrichment of Silica and Titania using 17O NMR and DNP“

C.-H. Chen, ENC meeting, March 2021, « virtual poster ».

  •  “L’oxygène… un élément dont on a encore beaucoup à apprendre.

D. Laurencin, Seminar at the Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France), February 2020.

  •  “From 17O isotopic labeling using mechanochemistry to high resolution NMR analyses.

D. Laurencin, Seminar at the CRMN, Lyon (France), January 2020.

  •  “New oxygen labeling schemes using mechanochemistry: a real step forward for 17O NMR spectroscopy

J. Špačková, C-H. Chen, D. Berthomieu, B. Alonso, P. Gaveau, T-X. Métro, D. Laurencin*, 7ème congrès de la Société Française des Isotopes Stables, Orsay (France), November 2019.

  •  “17O-enrichment of oxides using mechanochemistry

C.-H. Chen,* Ph. Gaveau, B. Alonso, T.-X. Métro, A. Kuznetsova, F. Mentink, Z. Gan, D. Laurencin, Alpine conference on Magnetic Resonance in Solids, Chamonix (France), September 2019 (round-table talk).

  •  “From the mechanochemical 17O-labeling of fatty acids to the 17O NMR analysis of grafted ZnO nanoparticles

J. Špačková,* E. Gaillard, Z. Gan, S. Sene, T.-X. Métro, D. Laurencin, Alpine conference on Magnetic Resonance in Solids, Chamonix (France), September 2019 (round-table talk).

  •  “Mechanochemistry: a versatile approach for the 17O-isotopic labeling of inorganic compounds and hydrates

N.D. Jensen, C.-H. Chen, B. Alonso, T.-X. Métro, Ph. Gaveau, C. Bonhomme, C. Gervais, P. Florian, F. Fayon, F. Mentink-Vigier, Z. Gan, D. Laurencin*, Alpine conference on Magnetic Resonance in Solids, Chamonix (France), September 2019 (round-table talk).

  •  “Multinuclear NMR approaches for the study of hybrid (bio)materials

D. Laurencin, Seminar at George Washington University, Washington DC (USA), June 2019.

  •  “Coordination networks based on boronate & benzoxaborolate anions: from synthesis to multinuclear NMR analyses”

D. Laurencin, Seminar at the Université de Lille (UCCS), Lille (France), November 2018.

  •  “Implementation of sustainable and cost-effective approaches to oxygen-isotopic labeling thanks to mechanochemistry: a real step forward for the development of 17O NMR spectroscopy”

T.-X. Métro, B. Alonso, D. Berthomieu, J. Housseini, J. Špačková, Ph. Gaveau, D. Laurencin*, Green Chemistry & Engineering conference, Washington DC (USA), June 2019.

  •  “Recent developments in the study of 17O using solid state NMR

D. Laurencin, BRSG Christmas Meeting 2018 : Developments and Applications of Quadrupolar Nuclei, London (UK), December 2018. (invited)

  •  “Looking into calcium and oxygen local environments using solid state NMR spectroscopy

D. Laurencin, Horizons in Molecular Biology, Göttingen (Germany), September 2018. (invited)

  •  “From crystalline to amorphous Ca-phosphate biomaterials: structural insights using multinuclear solid state NMR

D. Laurencin, Euromar, Nantes (France), July 2018. (invited)

  •  “Recent advances in organic synthesis by ball milling”

T.-X. Métro,* Y. Yeboue, A. Beillard, J. Bonnamour, X. Bantreil, D. Laurencin, J. Martinez, F. Lamaty, SCF 2018, Montpellier (France), July 2018.

  •  “New roadmaps for 17O and 43Ca solid state NMR

D. Laurencin, 59th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, Orlando (USA), May 2018. (invited)

  •  “New tools for studying calcium and oxygen local environments in materials using solid state NMR”

D. Laurencin, Seminar at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense (Denmark), April 2018.

  •  “Mechanosynthesis: a real opportunity for 17O solid state NMR

T.-X. Métro, C. Gervais, A. Martinez, E. Gaillard, C. Bonhomme, D. Laurencin*, 10th Alpine conference on solid state NMR, Chamonix (France), September 2017.