- “Capturing and labeling CO2 in a jar: Mechanochemical 17O-Enrichment and ssNMR study of Sodium and Potassium (bi)carbonate Salts“
A. Peach,* N. Fabregue, C. Erre, T.-X. Métro, D. Gajan, F. Mentink-Vigier, F. Scott, J. Trébosc, F. Voron, N. Patris, C. Gervais, D. Laurencin*, ChemRxiv, 2024,

- “Listening to the formation of polymorphs in a ball-mill“
E. M. S. Parlier, K. Al Amir, T.-X. Métro, P. Granjon, D. Laurencin, C. Leroy,* ChemRxiv, 2024, Accepted in Anal. Chem.

- “Temperature-induced mobility in Octacalcium Phosphate impacts crystal symmetry: water dynamics studied by NMR crystallography“
A. Nelson, W. Papawassiliou, S. Paul, S. Hediger, I. Hung, Z. Gan, A. Venkatesh, W. T. Franks, M. E. Smith, D. Gajan, G. De Paëpe, C. Bonhomme, D. Laurencin*, C. Gervais*, Faraday Discuss. 2025, 451-482,

- “High-Resolution 17O Solid-State NMR as a Unique Probe for Investigating Oxalate Binding Modes in Materials: The Case Study of Calcium Oxalate Biominerals“
I. Goldberga*, I. Hung, V. Sarou-Kanian, C. Gervais*, Z. Gan, J. Novák-Špačková, T.-X. Métro, C. Leroy, D. Berthomieu, A. van der Lee, C. Bonhomme, and D. Laurencin*, Inorg Chem, 2024, 63, 22, 10179–10193. (Front cover).

- “Induction-heated ball-milling: a promising asset for mechanochemical reactions“
G. Félix*, N. Fabrègue, C. Leroy, T.-X. Métro, C.-H. Chen, D. Laurencin*, Phys Chem Chem Phys, 2023, 25, 23435–23447. (Back cover).

- “Fast and cost-efficient approaches for 17O-isotopic labeling of carboxylic groups in biomolecules: from free amino acids to peptide chains“
J. Špačková*, I. Goldberga, R. Yadav, G. Cazals, A. Lebrun, P. Verdié, T.-X. Métro*, D. Laurencin*, Chem. Eur. J. 2023, 29, e202203.

- “Oxygen-17 solid state NMR as a valuable tool for deciphering reaction mechanisms in mechanochemistry: the case study on the enrichment of hydrated Ca-pyrophosphate biominerals“
I. Goldberga*, N. D. Jensen, C. Combes, F. Mentink-Vigier, X. Wang, I. Hung, Z. Gan, J. Trébosc, T.-X. Métro, C. Bonhomme, C. Gervais, D. Laurencin*, Faraday Discuss, 2023, 241, 250-265.

- “Operando acoustic analysis: a valuable method for investigating reaction mechanisms in mechanochemistry“
C. Leroy*, S. Mittelette, G. Félix, N. Fabregue, J. Špačková, P. Gaveau, T.-X. Métro, D. Laurencin*, Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 6328-6334.

- “First direct insight into the local environment and dynamics of water molecules in the whewellite mineral phase: mechanochemical isotopic enrichment and high-resolution 17O and 2H NMR analyses“
I. Goldberga*, N. Patris, C.-H. Chen, E. Thomassot, J. Trébosc, I. Hung, Z. Gan, D. Berthomieu, T.-X. Métro, C. Bonhomme, C. Gervais, D. Laurencin*, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2022, 126, 29, 12044-12059.

- “From operando Raman mechanochemistry to “NMR crystallography”: understanding the structures and interconversion of Zn-terephthalate networks using selective 17O-labelling“
C. Leroy*, T.-X. Métro, I. Hung, Z. Gan, C. Gervais, D. Laurencin*, Chem. Mater., 2022, 34, 5, 2292-2312.

- “Cost-efficient and user-friendly 18O/17O labeling procedures of fatty acids using mechanochemistry“
J. Špačková, C. Fabra, G. Cazals, M. Hubert-Roux, I. Schmitz-Afonso, I. Goldberga, D. Berthomieu, A. Lebrun, T.-X. Métro*, D. Laurencin*, Chem. Commun., 2021,57, 6812-6815.

- “Labeling and Probing the Silica Surface Using Mechanochemistry and 17O NMR Spectroscopy“
C.-H. Chen*, F. Mentink-Vigier, J. Trébosc, I. Goldberga, P. Gaveau, E. Thomassot, D. Iuga, Mark E. Smith, K. Chen, Z. Gan, N. Fabregue, T.-X. Métro, B. Alonso*, D. Laurencin*, Chem. Eur. J, 2021, 27, 12574-12588.

- “Looking into the dynamics of molecular crystals of ibuprofen and terephthalic acid using 17O and 2H NMR analyses“
C.-H. Chen, I. Goldberga, P. Gaveau, S. Mittelette, J. Špačková, C. Mullen, I. Petit, T-X. Métro, B. Alonso, C. Gervais, D. Laurencin*, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 2021, 59, 975-990.

- “Unveiling the structure and reactivity of fatty-acid based (nano)materials thanks to efficient and scalable 17O and 18O-isotopic labeling schemes”
J. Špačková, C. Fabra, S. Mittelette, E. Gaillard, C.-H. Chen, G. Cazals, A. Lebrun, S. Sene, D. Berthomieu, K. Chen, Z. Gan, C. Gervais, T-X. Métro*, D. Laurencin*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 21068.

- “Direct 17O-isotopic labeling of oxides using mechanochemistry”
C.-H. Chen, E. Gaillard, F. Mentink-Vigier, K. Chen, Z. Gan, P. Gaveau, B. Rebière, R. Berthelot, P. Florian, C. Bonhomme, Mark E. Smith, T.-X. Métro, B. Alonso, D. Laurencin, Inorg. Chem. 2020, 18, 13080. Cover.

- “L’enrichissement isotopique en oxygène-17 grâce à la mécanochimie : vers de nouvelles opportunités pour la RMN 17O
D. Laurencin, T.-X. Métro, Fiche “Un point sur n°57”, Actualité Chimique, 2018, 430-431, 127-128.
- “Unleashing the potential of 17O NMR using mechanochemistry”
T.-X. Métro, C. Gervais, A. Martinez, C. Bonhomme, D. Laurencin, Angew. Chem. 2017, 56, 6803. Cover.